Screenshot Theatre 1

O-KAY, status update time!

The first thing to note is the Prologue has been completed and coded, with the first chapter currently under development. Most of the time between the initial writing of the chapter and coding has been myself putzing around to learn Python/Ren’Py.

But, now that this much has been put together, lets see what advances NHWS have made:

[Note: Please ignore GWT’s desktop.]

Look, a splash screen! Spiffy!

Look, a spiffy Splash Screen!

A sky! How exciting!
And look, a background!
No peoples.
However…we still lack character Art
How hard is it to find a freaking antique shop!?
And this is more or less our ONLY working background.


Progression is there. Visuals, as usual, are not.

Ah well. The script will be good in the end, at the very least.

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