Status Update!

Clap Clap for NHWS

Clap Clap for NHWS

Well, here we are once again with another NHWS Status update. For the people that don’t read this blog the fans, it means that we’ll be revealing the progress once again on the script of Cocytus Investigations.

That’s right. Just the script. All other concerns have been given up on shifted to the back burner in order to write a coherent and enjoyable plot first. Why bother with all the additional stuff when there’s an incomplete story, hm? After all, the story is the most important part and no one would read a poorly written story unless it was written as a female romance novel.

The script has currently met the 20% Mark. The entirety of the lead up to the three route splits has been completed, leaving the remaining scenarios to myself and Ventcore Frog. As such, progress will be announced seperately between the two of us: I will mark my updates as Messian Route, he will mark his as Paladonia Route.

Afterwards, we shall reconverge to finish the third and final route. Once completed, the hunt for an artist will resume our recruited artist will begin work on the art. Hopefully but unlikely we’ll have other updates along the way, such as concept art and a logo or two. Hopefully.

Well then, see when this route of mine is finished.


Update (Nov. 11th)

Script: First two Cases complete, with the third clocking in at 35 pages and coming up on its halfway point. Route splits shall follow immediately after completetion.

Soundtrack: We have returned to sir Nicol Amarfi as our sole composer. The second has disappeared. Tracks will be developed when script itself is complete, for simplicity sake.

Art: Still desperately seeking an artist.

Once again, anyone interested in doing art for the project may contact us

A slight diversion

Status report:

Script: The first case has been completed and the second is 14+ pages in at this moment. Thus, the script is coming a long just fine.

Soundtrack: There are now two composers working on the project. The first is the aforementioned Nicol Amarfi, who is providing various string instrument sounds. The newcomer is providing sounds more on par with hip-hop and jazz beats. Expect a wide range from this.

Art: …Ech. The decision to use real world images for the backgrounds have been made, but sprites and CGs are non existant.

All in all, progress is being made everywhere except art. But that may be for the best, perhaps.

On an unrelated note, I would like to discuss the first project to hold the NHWS label, Psycho Dust. Written over the course of two years, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Cocytus but it is nice to reminisce a bit. At some point, it’ll go through editing and be up for dispersal on this dev blog. You know, as a way to thank the fans for their patience towards Cocytus.

On that note, I put the entire story through Wordle today and the results…well…

Psycho Dust, in Word Cloud format

Psycho Dust, in Word Cloud format

Perhaps I should write sidestorys for the not-as-mentioned characters to make up for this…


The Prolouge of Cocytus is done and completed, encoded, and overall put together. It’ll probably see a bit of editting before the next demo release.

Speaking of which, for those of you who played with our demo and were disappointed in the lack of, well, everything, take heed. The first real demo of Cocytus should be available around the time the third Case is completed, just before the game’s major route split. You’ll be able to experience the build up to the diversion of the plot, so just be patient and bear with us.

In other news, a new recruitment opportunity has arrisen in the form of an experienced Ren’Py coder. While I’m trying my best, the most I can do is put the game togther. We’re looking for someone who can then take it to the next level and customise the interface.

Contact us if you’re interested.

An Artist!

An artist you say? Why, yes, we now have an artist. That is, one who does art. Our good friend, the lovely, the magnificent Caitlin has agreed to do the art for Cocytus. Sketches shall be posted as I get them. YES THEY SHALL!


Composer GET

Wouldn’t you know it, NHWS managed to find a composer!

How wonderful! How fantastic! A legitimate

soundtrack! No more shady editing of tracks to make music. We don’t have to skirt around lawsuits now! Hurray! Huzzah! I think it’s time for some ice cream!

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce Nicol Armarfi, who’s work can be seen here!

Samples coming soon!

Screenshot Theatre 1

O-KAY, status update time!

The first thing to note is the Prologue has been completed and coded, with the first chapter currently under development. Most of the time between the initial writing of the chapter and coding has been myself putzing around to learn Python/Ren’Py.

But, now that this much has been put together, lets see what advances NHWS have made:

[Note: Please ignore GWT’s desktop.]

Look, a splash screen! Spiffy!

Look, a spiffy Splash Screen!

A sky! How exciting!
And look, a background!
No peoples.
However…we still lack character Art
How hard is it to find a freaking antique shop!?
And this is more or less our ONLY working background.


Progression is there. Visuals, as usual, are not.

Ah well. The script will be good in the end, at the very least.