GWT bowing out~

Well ladies and gents, this will be the last post from GWT for a while. Unfortunately, I have to take a long trip overseas and there’s a low chance of internet connection.

See you all in a year+.

Starting Up

Hello to all of you who have stumbled upon this blog somehow! I shall be known as Ventcore Frog (don’t question it), and I seem to have been tasked with running this blog. I am a writer in No Heartwarming Stories Productions, a somewhat extravagant name, considering that there are only two people on this team. Anyhow, I, along with my good friend GWT, have begun work on the script and other necessities of a visual novel (don’t know what it is then look it up). This blog will be used to post updates on our work, and maybe even add people to our team.

Now, I’m sure at this point you’re wondering what kind of story we are working on, or else you’d have left. Rest assured, I will get to that.