
The Prolouge of Cocytus is done and completed, encoded, and overall put together. It’ll probably see a bit of editting before the next demo release.

Speaking of which, for those of you who played with our demo and were disappointed in the lack of, well, everything, take heed. The first real demo of Cocytus should be available around the time the third Case is completed, just before the game’s major route split. You’ll be able to experience the build up to the diversion of the plot, so just be patient and bear with us.

In other news, a new recruitment opportunity has arrisen in the form of an experienced Ren’Py coder. While I’m trying my best, the most I can do is put the game togther. We’re looking for someone who can then take it to the next level and customise the interface.

Contact us if you’re interested.

Composer GET

Wouldn’t you know it, NHWS managed to find a composer!

How wonderful! How fantastic! A legitimate

soundtrack! No more shady editing of tracks to make music. We don’t have to skirt around lawsuits now! Hurray! Huzzah! I think it’s time for some ice cream!

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce Nicol Armarfi, who’s work can be seen here!

Samples coming soon!

Help Wanted

So, as the team is just being put together, we at NHWS are actively seeking new recruits to help with the development of Cocytus Investigations.

You guys are awesome for even considering this!As a Visual novel has Visual in its name, the obvious first thing we would like is an Artist. We don’t expect mind shattering “WHOA THIS IS A WORK OF GOD” level art, but someone with talent is definitely appreciated.

On that note, two artist would be welcome, one to work on visuals and another to do character design. There’s a lot of freedom involved, seeing as we keep descriptions sparse make it easy for the one doing the artwork.

And what would a Visual Novel be without music to fit the atmosphere? Someone with talent in creating music is also a welcome addition to the team and would certainly be better than myself and Ventcore modifying songs to make a soundtrack.

Unfortunately, since this is a work of Doujinshii level, its more or less being done by fans for fans. Thus, we cannot exactly pay you (Shoo, money grubbers!).

However, on the bright side, look at it as a way to expand your portfolio :D!

Please, contact us at nhwsproductions@gmail.com. Thank you in advance!