A slight diversion

Status report:

Script: The first case has been completed and the second is 14+ pages in at this moment. Thus, the script is coming a long just fine.

Soundtrack: There are now two composers working on the project. The first is the aforementioned Nicol Amarfi, who is providing various string instrument sounds. The newcomer is providing sounds more on par with hip-hop and jazz beats. Expect a wide range from this.

Art: …Ech. The decision to use real world images for the backgrounds have been made, but sprites and CGs are non existant.

All in all, progress is being made everywhere except art. But that may be for the best, perhaps.

On an unrelated note, I would like to discuss the first project to hold the NHWS label, Psycho Dust. Written over the course of two years, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Cocytus but it is nice to reminisce a bit. At some point, it’ll go through editing and be up for dispersal on this dev blog. You know, as a way to thank the fans for their patience towards Cocytus.

On that note, I put the entire story through Wordle today and the results…well…

Psycho Dust, in Word Cloud format

Psycho Dust, in Word Cloud format

Perhaps I should write sidestorys for the not-as-mentioned characters to make up for this…